Lucy 100WC

One abnormal day a happy family went to the furniture store their trip was like the story Goldilocks. One was too hard one was too soft and the last one was just right. The day it arrived at their house they moved it into their living room in front of his 94 inch TV. The room was complete with their zebra print rug, their new diamond and ruby incrusted black and white couch. Then suddenly a strike of lighting hit and Medusa appeared and turned them and their couch into stone immortalised in the park where people could remember them.


One thought on “Lucy 100WC

  1. Hello Lucy. Your take on the prompt is quite unique! I really like the way you have described the room. Don’t forget punctuation! I believe reading your work aloud to yourself before publishing helps with finding any errors. Well done and keep rising to the 100WC!


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